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Home of Scale

  • Work

    Your product won the hearts of its early users. It's time to go big. The world is waiting. Is your product ready?

    A digital product can reach its potential if it scales both in quantity and in quality. We would love nothing more than to prepare your product for a future in the spotlight.

    Nullhouse is an agency of engineers from the start-up scene. We help small projects grow large. Growth is our passion ‒ we're into big trouble.

    Mollie PaperFlies AstraZeneca Spot AI
  • Team

    • Demian Sempel

      Demian Sempel

      With a keen eye for simplicity, Demian is dedicated to finding the most straightforward solution to any problem. He recognises the value of everyone's time, and believes as little of it as possible should be spent gazing at loading bars.

      Demian's profile
    • Edo Rivai

      Edo Rivai

      An academic background in business economics coupled with a passion for engineering offer a valuable blend of technical proficiency and business acumen that Edo applies to his work. He enjoys pondering the "optimal solution" yet remains pragmatic.

      Edo's profile
    • Pimm Hogeling

      Pimm Hogeling

      The most fruitful pull requests are the ones which remove more lines of code than they add, according to Pimm. He is just as comfortable designing systems from a bird's eye view, as he is optimising low level code.

      Pimm's profile
  • Tech

    We utilise a variety of technologies, including TypeScript, Node.js, GraphQL, and PostgreSQL. These allow us to swiftly whip up functional prototypes, and iterate them into future-proof, scalable products.

    React is our UI framework of choice for webapps. As early adopters we have an intimate understanding of its workings and are deeply familiar with it's ecosystem.

    By utilising serverless architectures, containerisation, and edge computing where appropriate, we optimse solutions for efficiency and robustness.

    TypeScript Python Rust Node.js Kubernetes React GraphQL PostgreSQL


  1. Spider web with dew drops

    What the JWT?

    Engineers love JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). This article uncover how JWTs address scalability challenges in web applications. Signed tokens, such as JWTs, can be validated without the need for a central token storage, a distinct advantage over traditional random tokens.

    4 min read

  2. Two leaf-cutter ants carrying leaves

    Fast sorting and hot functions

    This article offers a real-world case study involving an application struggling to sort an increasing data load, and introduces to the map-sort technique. Significant performance gain can be achieved even when using a highly-optimised sorting algorithm, by splitting the process into two parts: map and sort.

    4 min read

  3. Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy leaning on German Shepherd

    Don't delude yourself with fake 2FA

    Two-Factor Authentication enhances security by adding a second distinct layer of authentication, mitigating the risk of stolen passwords. However, some services inaccurately label their security as 2FA when in reality they utilise only a single factor, misleadingly offering a false sense of heightened security.

    2 min read

  4. How to mock requests for unit testing in Node.js

    Effectively use mocking tools to optimise your testing. This article delves into popular Node.js tool 'Nock' and its use in intercepting HTTP requests for seamless testing without network impact, and introduces nock-record.

    10 min read

  5. Throwing shade at Prettier

    The rise of Prettier, through the lens of a seasoned developer who often manually formats code. This article offers a nuanced viewpoint on Prettier and how it relates to linters.

    3 min read

  6. We have to talk about your love for React Hooks

    React developers have embraced hooks. There is a lot to love, but there are anti-patterns as well. This article outlines three such anti-patterns: The Derived State pattern, The Bubbling Effect pattern, The Component That Knew Too Much pattern.

    4 min read